Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Journal #2

Once upon a time, there was a duck named Sir Quacksalot. Now, Sir Quacksalot was a very brave duck. He has been off most of his life training for the military to be a knight and then he spent many years defending his duck kingdom from the evil neighboring kingdom of the Canadian Geese.

The only problem that Sir Quacksalot had was that he had no manners when it came to being hospitable to other people and having manners when he went to other people’s houses. He spent so much of his time on his own or at the military barracks, he had no time to develop such manners, and because he didn’t have them, nobody wanted to invite him over or go over to his house for dinner. So one day, he figured that he needed to learn his manners.

The way he decided to learn them was to visit enough houses until he learned how to treat guests and other people’s houses.

One day, Sir Quacksalot was invited over to Mr. and Mrs. Mallard’s house for dinner; this was the perfect opportunity for him to learn his manners. Sir Quacksalot made mistakes from the moment he walked in the door. First of all, he walked into the house without knocking, and Mr. Mallard reminded him that it was polite to knock before entering. Then Sir Quacksalot did not take off his shoes, and once again, Mr. Mallard told him that it is polite for him to take his shoes off by the door. Then Sir Quacksalot just walked into the Mallard’s kitchen and started to eat the fruit that they had sitting out in a bowl. This shocked the Mallard’s, and they told Sir Quacksalot that it is very impolite to eat somebody’s food without asking. After just one visit, Sir Quacksalot now knew how to act at someone’s house. He also learned, from watching how the Mallards treated him, he learned that hosts are supposed to be very kind to their guests. From then on, all of Sir Quacksalot’s neighbors were inviting him to their houses and going to his house for dinner all the time.

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